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Powered by Transport for Greater Manchester
Sump plus Cities

As part of the Horizon 2020 funded SUMP PLUS project, Greater Manchester aims to integrate health and transport carbon targets for the city-region and, in doing so, identify opportunities for greater collaboration leading to reduced carbon emissions, and improved health outcomes.

The volume and impacts of the National Health Service's (NHS) transport emissions is outlined in the 'Delivering a 'Net Zero' National Health Service' carbon ambition pathway. Transport emissions account for 14% of the NHS' carbon footprint, and NHS-derived trips constitute 3.5% road traffic on English roads today.

The NHS in Greater Manchester works with the transport sector to address this transport demand -- whether this comes from staff, patients, or from the supply chain. But understanding the impacts that the NHS' fundamental service delivery models have on emissions in Greater Manchester -- and identifying alternative models to effectively bring healthcare treatment closer to the patient, either in-home or in the community -- will have profound impacts on the volume of journeys, and the length of journeys made to health facilities.

Project deliverables can be found on the SUMP PLUS project website.

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